My teenage diary: Obsessive jealousy (age 14)

Commentary from my adult self: Almost every entry in this journal mentions my best friend Sarah (nicknamed “Sunny” due to an abundance of Sarahs in my childhood). I had a history of fixating on a best friend and feeling abandoned when my obsessive attachment wasn’t reciprocated with equal intensity. While embarrassing to revisit this side of myself, it’s also a relief to realize that I no longer get sucked into that particular relationship death spiral.

JUNE 14, 2002

That girl makes me ill! Sunny just called and on top of doing the stupid CHICK thing this summer, she’s also going on a missions trip for approx 1.5 weeks (June 24-July 5)! Last year and the year before that, I really wanted to spend 4th of July with her and last year, I made her promise that she’d spend the 4th with me this year! I guess Miss Perfect forgot. She also told me that she’s gonna have homework over the summer — a lot of HW. How can she do this to me?!? She always pushes me aside so she can do her stuff. Oh — and she’s not sorry about it, she’s happy! I could strangle her I’m so mad!

Forgot to tell you. Yesterday, during lunch, Mr. Matzal got on the microphone and announced that last October (2002) 7th grade won Spirit Week and they were now getting their prize. Every 7th grader got an ice cream bar. I was indignant — when I was a 7th grader, my class had won, but we didn’t get anything. Then, he announced that in 2001 we’d won it and so we each got one too! That was so cool!

Later: Sunny came over despite the picnic. (For a change) she said she really didn’t want to go so I guess she talked her mother into it.

Jezel and OWK (Obi-Wan Kenobi) have gone on their anniversary to Alderaan* and are chatting with Leia about OWK thinking about how upset Qui-Gon was about Darrin being in 0-Space. Our new bad guy is Falgrain (check spelling) and his evil minion ???? named of Hell in Sunny’s book (*2).

I called LOTEL (Life on the Edge Live) (*3). I wanted to ask if Susie and Steve could give me advice about Sunny. I got through, but wasn’t able to get on air and ask about it. Next week is on parents… 🙂 I’ll see what I can dig up.

JUNE 19, 2002

Hi, I’m using the newly dubbed “Journal pen” which I bought today. Last night I was up until 12:15 reading Star Girl. Today I finished it. I think it’s a book worthy of one of my shelves (*4). Today, I woke at glorious 9:30! Omar, our only frog turns out to be a she, but I think Mom will keep the name.

In preparation for vacation, Mom got me a new bike seat. The one I had was pretty uncomfortable. I’m not sure about the new one. I haven’t tried it yet. Afterwards, we went to Shoppingtown mall to get me a new pair of silver earrings. Mom also got me charms, but don’t say you heard it from me. I’m not supposed to know. Oh, we saw Mrs. Woodward in Wegmans today. It was a pleasant surprise. Mom says she is really sorry Trevor won’t have her next year.

Big news flash!!!! Sunny e-mailed me today and told me that her forever-long trip to Canada has been cancelled!! Yeah! Crack out the fireworks!! Now all I have to do is convince her to spend 4th of July with me and we’ll be in business.

This brings me back to last summer when Sunny had a crush on “Alex” or Hypothetical Max. I drilled Sunny on the do’s and don’ts of having a crush. It was a desperate measure for someone 2 years her junior (*5). Ended that conversation in the basement with a heavy heart knowing it was only a matter of time before she was whisked away by college or a boy. It hasn’t happened yet, but I still worry.

Basements…I can still remember the one from Sauter Rd. The hole in the wall that I transformed into a fort and decorated with Sarah Murtha. I wonder if our names are still there. Someday I’m gonna find out. I’ll buy that house and put it back to exactly how it was before I was dragged away. Running out of page.

* – Ummm, yeah, my character in our Star Wars RPG ended up marrying Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan…I still have a printed wedding invitation we designed floating around somewhere (insert embarrassed laugh emoji)

*2- A Christian teen radio advice show.

*3 – I believe this references this book. Basically every book/movie/show Sunny enjoyed was somehow incorporated into our RPG. I can’t remember this character, but I assume that only the name was borrowed. Probably for a Sith character. Darth Foulgrin has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

*4 – Never bought the book and never read it again, lol.

*5 – I’d never gone on a single date, but I read all the Christian teen dating books, so I was obviously an expert.